Growing the next generation of farmers
- Mount a volume at config/secrets with devise_token & secure_token files ( generate with your preferred random token generator or rake secret > file_name)
cp docker-compose.override.yml.template docker-compose.override.yml
Modify the docker-compose override environment setting to "production" if desired.
You may want to restore a database clone with psql -f <file>
inside the container. to the postgres container.
docker-compose up
If you need to apply DB migrations:
docker exec -it youngagrarians_app_1 rake db:migrate
If you need to update static files:
docker exec -it youngagrarians_app_1 rake assets:precompile
Note the pg is not used as the db, cleardb powered mysql is. Access via mysql client and details from heroku config. echo "SET standard_conforming_strings = 'off';\nSET backslash_quote = 'on';\n" > tmp/db_dump.sql mysqldump -h -u USEr -p DB --compatible=postgresql >> tmp/db_dump.sql Note that id columns need to be turned into serial columns and tinyints into booleans
You'll want to get into the admin area; easiest way is from a rails console:
rails c
x = User.first && x.password = 'cl4rkrul3s' &&!
then login via /admin/login with those details.
Using Docker:
docker exec -it youngagrarians_app_1 rails c
x = User.first
x.password = "YOUR PASSWORD" = "YOUR EMAIL"!
then login via /admin/login using the email/password credentials used above.