Welcome to PyCBC, a python toolkit for analysis of data from gravitational-wave laser interferometer detectors with the goal of detecting and studying signals from compact binary coalescences (CBCs).
The PyCBC home page is located on github at
Documentation is automatically built nightly and available from
To download and install PyCBC follow the instructions at
You can start up an interactive jupyter notebook with PyCBC using either of the links below.
If you use any code from PyCBC in a scientific publication, then we ask that it is cited in the following way:
These results were generated using the PyCBC software package
For the citation pycbc-software
, please use a bibtex entry and DOI for the
appropriate release of the PyCBC software (or the latest available release).
A bibtex key and DOI for each release is avaliable from Zenodo.
A key for the latest release is available at:
Please see our citation guidelines for more details.