- This project aims to provide people both a hall of shame (blacklist) and a hall of fame (whitelist) of companies during the harsh covid-19 pandemic.
- Thus empowering people with data to find a new job =)
- Working without a proven need? blacklist then!
- Working with cool guys? give them some credit and whitelist them!!
- Feel free to contribute sending pull requests.
- Not a tech/IT guy or not familiar with github? Feel free to send me your request.
- Totally based on 996.ICU Repo.
- ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit, it's allusive to the risk of needing ICU due to the new covid-19.
- Send you pull request with the following procedure:
- I. Add an folder with your company name bellow the already existing blacklist/ folder.
- II. Inside your company's folder add all the gathered proofs (images are preferable)
- III. OK! you are done! wait for you PR to be approved and merged.
- Use the blacklist procedure above only changing the folder to the whitelist/ existing one.
🏠 Homepage
- TODO: Create front-end app to expose an hall of fame and hall of shame with filtering options, evidences preview and host it on gitgub pages.
- Spread the word through social medias
- Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.- ⭐️ this project to make it trend and help more people.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
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