- Note: must be installed after the Framework
cd ${CMSSW_BASE}/src
git clone -o upstream git@github.com:vischia/ttHAnalysis.git cp3_llbb/ttHAnalysis
cd ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/cp3_llbb/ttHAnalysis
source setup.sh
cd ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/
scram b -j 20
- at the moment, it just runs on 2017 data and MC with old corrections, and locally (not on grid)
- Run with
cmsRun test/ttHConfiguration.py
(eventually change the value of runOnData to switch between running on data and on MC, and uncomment different MCs)
- Update JEC, electron corrections, muon corrections
- Update datasets database (RunIIFall17MiniAODv2 branch)
- Implement baseline event selection
- Implement datacards creator
- Import unfolding software