#How to authenticate an Android application to a Rails server with Omniauth
Lately, I have been in charge of the Android application development at elCurator. One of the new features we wanted was to be able to sign in with a Google account. At first I thought it would be easy to implement it with the Google+ SDK, and theoritically, it was. But in practice I ran into several issues which made me think that it is not trivial at all!
I also noticed that the documentations and tutorials I could find on the web could be a little confusing, and I couldn't find a tutorial for my specific need.
That's why I decided to write a tutorial to explain step by step, how to make an Android application authenticate to a Rails server, using the gem Omniauth.
##Run the sample
I made a sample Android application and a sample Rails server to illustrate what I am talking about in this article.
Here are the instructions to run it on your machine.
First of all:
$ git clone https://github.com/elcurator/android-google-plus-omniauth-tutorial
$ cd android-google-plus-omniauth-tutorial
For the rails server:
$ cd web
$ echo "GOOGLE_KEY=your_google_key_here" >> .env
$ echo "GOOGLE_SECRET=your_google_secret_here" >> .env
$ bundle
$ foreman start
For the Android application:
In the app.gradle
- replace the
config field by your server url. - replace the
config field by your web application client id.
The project use gradle. You can either build it with gradle and run it on your android device manually, or open it with AndroidStudio and run it directly from there.
##The flow
Let's specify a little the flow we need to implement.
On the above diagram, the Client is our Android application, and the Server is our Rails server.
From now on, we are going to follow this diagram step by step.
###User clicks the sign-in button
Obviously, this first part needs to be implemented in our Android application. Let's use the Google+ SDK to do so.
- To be able to use the Google+ SDK, follow this documentation.
To register the installed application in the Google console, you need to specify a SHA-1 fingerprint. In the documentation they tell us to use the default debug keystore. Don't use it for a signed APK, it won't work! To generate a signed APK, you must use your own keystore. To work properly with Google+ OAuth, the SHA-1 fingerprint must be generated from the keystore you used to sign your APK.
If you are using Gradle with plural flavors in your
file, be carefull to put the adequate flavor'sapplicationId
in thepackage name
field when creating the installed application in the Google console.If you are using Android Studio with Gradle, just add the play-services dependency in your
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:7.0.0'
[Note you can now use some specific parts of the play-services if you don't use every google service.](http://developer.android.com/google/play-services/setup.html?hl=en)
Remember that we want to request a one-time code, which will then be used by our Rails server. To do so, we will need to specify which server we want to grant our server an access to the user's Google+ informations. That means we need to register a web application client in the Google console under the same project than our installed application.
You can now add the sign-in button by following this documentation. Be carefull, the first part of the documentation tells you how to connect your client directly to Google+, but what we want is to enable our Rails server to access to our client Google+ informations. You will need to follow what's said in the last part of the documentation (Enable server-side API access for your app)
Note: To request the one-time code, you need to use a scope. In this scope, you need to specify a server client id. This id is actually the one you got from the Google console in the previous step.
If you correctly followed the documentation linked above, you should be able to successfully request a one-time code with the Google+ SDK, meaning we are now at the step 4 of the flow diagram.
###Client sends code to server
To implement this step, we need a route we can call from our client to post a one-time code and a redirect uri.
Let's see what we need on the server side to implement this route.
First, add this line in your
:gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2', github: 'zquestz/omniauth-google-oauth2', branch: 'master'
I made a pull request to make omniauth-google-oauth2 respond to our needs. It has not been integrated in the last version yet, that's why we need to directly fetch the repository.
Create a
and add an action like this:def create_from_google_oauth2 # Retrieve the user informations that omniauth fetched for us user_google_data = request.env['omniauth.auth']['info'].to_hash # You should use the session handler you prefer here to create a session @user = { email: user_google_data['email'], authentication_token: SecureRandom.hex } # Render a json success template render 'create_success' end
Create the file
with this code:# Setup the google oauth2 provider Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :google_oauth2, 'your web client id', 'your web client secret', provider_ignores_state: true end
You can find the web client id and secret in the Google console.
The web client id must be the same than the one used in our android application.
- Add this to the
file:post '/auth/:provider/callback', to: 'sessions#create_from_google_oauth2'
At this point, when we post on the route /auth/google_oauth/callback
with a code
and a redirect_uri
in set in the body, omniauth fetches the user informations then calls our create_from_google_oauth2
If the one-time code is already used, or if it is expired, Google responds with an
error. Since we don't want to have to parse a big html error page in our client, we need to catch this error, and respond with a json formatted error.To do so, let's add an action in our
def oauth_failure # Retrieve the error @error = request.env['omniauth.error'] # Render a json error template render 'create_fail', status: 401 end
Then, add this code to our
file so omniauth knows which action to call when an error occurs:OmniAuth.config.on_failure = SessionsController.action(:oauth_failure)
We are ready to call the authentication route from our client. Using the library Ion to perform the request, here is the code we can add to our login activity, right after having fetched the one-time code from Google:
Ion.with(this) .load(BuildConfig.BASE_URL + "/auth/google_oauth2/callback") .setBodyParameter("code", code) .setBodyParameter("redirect_uri", BuildConfig.GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI);
It's actually what is omniauth-google-oauth2
doing for us. Don't bother with this step.
In the android application, replace the authentication request code you already use by this:
.load(BuildConfig.BASE_URL + "/auth/google_oauth2/callback")
.setBodyParameter("code", code)
.setBodyParameter("redirect_uri", BuildConfig.GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI)
.setCallback(new FutureCallback<JsonObject>() {
public void onCompleted(Exception e, JsonObject result) {
// Invalidate the code as soon as the server consumed it.
GoogleAuthUtil.invalidateToken(getApplicationContext(), code);
result.get("error") != null ?
"error : " + result.get("description").getAsString() :
"connected as : " + result.get("authentication_email").getAsString(),
Note : we invalidate the one-time code as soon as it has been consumed by the server. Otherwise, the next time the user will try to authenticate, he will get the same code from Google, try to use it, and get an
Don't hesitate to make a pull request if you want to add or clarify some informations.