Developed, designed and made by the Software Developers Team of CPW Online | CPW Online website
Hello! Thank you for using this software, developed with a lot of effort and affection for the Free Software community.
Modern C++ Project is a project template for modern C++ projects.
Support for
- CMake
- C++17 C++11
- Docker
- Clang
- CppCheck
- Conan
- GoogleTest
- AppImage for Linux
- Doxygen
- ccache
- CMake
- C++17 C++11
- Conan
- GoogleTest
- Git
- Download the source code
git clone
- Build and install
cd modern-cxx-project
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -Dproject-name_CONAN=ON
sudo make install
- Open the binary executable
Work in progress!
If you want to help us financially we accept your donations using Paypal and performing the following steps:
- Access the following URL from your browser: PayPal - CPW Online
- Let yourself go ;)
- GitHub: @cpwonline
- Web: CPW Online
- Email: CPW Online
This project is under licence GNU General Public License v3.0 - see file LICENSE for more details