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Acl Management

crapougnax edited this page Apr 22, 2012 · 11 revisions

t41 proposes a simple ACL management system bases on roles, resources and granted or denied privileges on them, depending on the choice of a whitelist or blacklist definition.

ACL are enforced within action controllers.

Configuration model

ACL are defined directly or through configuration files. Below is a model of an XML-based configuration file (either acl.xml in application/configs directory or module.xml in modules configs directory.


Roles and Roles groups

Roles are containers of granted or denied privileges. They are identified by a unique key.

          <role id="editor">
            <label>Content Editor</label>

Roles hierarchy is implicit and privileges delegation can be defined.

    <role id="manager">
      <label>Content Manager</label>

Roles that share a lot of privileges can be grouped and the group id then used to grant or deny privileges.

    <role id="staff" type="group">
      <label>Content Staff</label>


What are the different types of resources ?

Controllers Actions Resources

Access to a an action controller can be granted or denied. The resource is defined in the module:controller:action form like myModule:myController:myAction matching the /mymodule/mycontroller/myaction Uri.

Here's how to declare resources in module.xml :

    <module id="mymodule" vendor="myname">
        <resource id="controller/action">
          <label>My Action Controller</label>

CRUD Resources

Access to a CRUD function on type of object can also be granted or denied. the resource would have the following structure class:crudAction : My\Namespace\MyClass:create.

Privileges can be restricted to a specific instance of the class if its Object URI representation is appended to the resource like My\Namespace\MyClass:update:@mysql0/table/1.

Its also possible to define less restrictive resources like: My\Namespace\MyClass:update:@mysql0 which sets the privilege of updating all My\Namespace\MyClass objects in the backend identified by the @mysql0 alias.

The keyword all can be used to define a global privilege like all:create (user is granted or denied create privilege for all classes) or all:update:@mysql0 (user is granted or denied update privilege on all object which backend is identified by the @mysql0 alias.

Other methods

Privileges can be defined for any other method available in a given class.

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