- Download the latest release of the mod from the releases tab.
- Put it in your
folder where you have installed Meteor.
- Clone this repository
- Run
./gradlew build
- Auto Frame Dupe - Automatically do the frame dupe.
- EventlessFly - Fly without triggering the move event.
- InfiniteClickTP - Teleport you up to 200 blocks away.
- KnockbackTweaks - Allows you to control the direction of the knockback when you hit an entity.
- NBTTooltip - Shows the NBT of the item you are hovering over.
- Phase - Allows you to phase through blocks.
- SeedMap - Automatically update your position in chunkbase seed map.
- SpeedBypass - Bypass the vanilla 10 blocks/tick speed limit and go up to 200 blocks/tick.
- UiUtils - Integration of UI Utils mod into Meteor.
- VecFly - Fly at a precise speed, designed to bypass this anticheat.
- Drops the item of all the item frames around you..tpcam
- Teleports you to the camera entity..tp <player>
- Teleports you to the specified player.
- Meteor Development for Meteor Client.
- Coderx-Gamer and MrBreakNFix for UI Utils.
- LiveOverflow for the eventless fly exploit.
- Chunkbase for the seed map.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
If you use ANY code from the source:
- You must disclose the source code of your modified work and the source code you took from this project. This means you are not allowed to use code from this project (even partially) in a closed-source and/or obfuscated application.
- You must state clearly and obviously to all end users that you are using code from this project.
- Your application must also be licensed under the same license.