This readme will help you get accustomed to the tools that we use at ScottyLabs. Our applications primarily are built with nodejs and python, and we use git to collaborate together.
Here we'll get you started with git, Github, and nodejs.
Git is a program that coders use to save versions of files as they develop code. It helps organize code and makes it easier to fix issues in code if they ever show up. Go to It is a very useful website to learn git. Try doing all the lessons up to the ramping up section.
The best way to install it is using Githubs own installer here This will install Github's visual tool to work with git as well as the git command line tool.
come talk to me.
Now that you know a little bit more about git, lets start working on your own git directory.
First, login/signup to Github, and press the fork button on this repo. Now you should have a repo called [USERNAME]/tutorial
on Github.
On your favorite terminal write:
$ git clone[USERNAME]/tutorial.git
$ cd tutorial
This will make a folder with all the stuff that was on this directory. We'll use that folder to work on the nodejs part of the tutorial.
Go to and download the v6.11.3
version. This will install nodejs on to your computer. Now we can get started on making your first program in node. We'll try to make a website that shows these instructions.
npm init
npm install express express-remarkable --save
Now in the folder make a file called index.js
inside of it copy the following lines of code.
var express = require('express')
var remarkable = require('express-remarkable')
var app = express()
app.engine('md', remarkable(app));
app.set('views', '.');
app.set('view engine', 'md');
function sendWebpage(request, response) {
app.get('/', sendWebpage)
app.listen('3000', () => {
console.log('server is now running');
console.log('go to http://localhost:3000 to see the output')
Now to run your website, open up this tutorial folder on the command line and run:
node index.js
If you now go online to http://localhost:3000/
you'll see the site set up your computer. It should show all these instructions
in a very basic plain webpage. To stop the server, press <Ctrl-C>
control and c keys at the same time).
Now that you got your website working on your repo. Let's do some git magic and put it up on Github. The following commands will add and commit your changes and push them to your Github repository.
git add -A
git commit -m "[YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE]"
git push origin master
On Github, make a pull request which lets you send your version of the repo to me letting me know that you've completed the tutorial.
If you want to learn more about git, play around in You can also play around with the nodejs file to see how things worked. don't be afraid to ask me questions if you're confused.