Define data-structure validation in go code. Can be used to validate data from json/yaml files. Uses to do the actual validation.
It's implemented in a fluent interface style:
personSchema := NewObjectType("Example person schema", func(p ObjectType) {
p.String("firstName", "")
p.String("lastName", "").Optional()
p.Int("age", "Age in years").Min(0).Max(5).Optional()
p.Enum("gender", "").Add("male", "A male specimen").Add("female", "A female specimen")
// person must be a map with string keys
// it can also be loaded from a json file with json.Unmarshal(data, mapPointer)
goschema.Validate(personSchema, person)
The validation is executed by generating a jsonschema, which is then validated against the datastructure:
"description":"Age in years",
"title":"Example Schema",
Creating plain text output with documentation of the validation format in the sense of:
Example person schema
age // optional, Age in years as int from 0 to 5
firstName // firstName as string
gender //
male // A male speciemen
female // A female speciemen
lastName // optional, lastName as string
can be done with
str := goschema.Doc(personSchema)
This data can be extracted from the defined values above including the help string which is usually the second parameter in data-type definition calls