I am a research assistant in Computer Science with more than 5 years of experience, with a focus on Data Science. Currently applying Deep Learning on Astrophysics problems.
My long experience in Astronomy has taught me to tackle challenging tasks and extrapolate knowledge to other fields of application, such as text analysis, biology, and the forest industry.
For a detailed trajectory of my academic and professional work, please check my CV
- Computer Vision
- Time Series
- Representation Learning
- Large Language Models (LLM)
Here are the projects I'm currently working on. For a full list of my projects, please visit this link .
- Description: Embedding extractor for astronomical light curves, inspired by the BERT large language model, adapted for irregular time series.
- Keywords: Transformers, Representation Learning, Self-supervised, Big data, Irregular Time Series, Astronomy.
- Description: Detecting faint exo-planets via Direct Imaging, also known as High Contrast Imaging (HCI).
- Keywords: Convolutional RNN, Image detection, Noisy images, Simulations.
- ASTROMER: A transformer-based embedding for the representation of light curves (2022) - Astronomy & Astrophysics 670 (2023): A54.
- The effect of phased recurrent units in the classification of multiple catalogues of astronomical light curves (2021) - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505.4 (2021): 6069-6084.
Feel free to reach out to me for collaborations, questions, or discussions:
- Email: cridonoso@inf.udec.cl