What is it? A firebase group chat app built with javascript with google authentication.
Simple features :D
- Google authentication
- Real time chatting
- Send stickers
- Notification and Commands e.g. "reload"
Some commands
- Plus(+) sign to send an important message. This will show notification to all users.
- reload = use this to reload all user's window.
How it works?
- Ask the user to login with google account.
- The app store the credentials in localstorage of a browser.
- The app uses the data to send or received a message.
How to use
- First create your firebase database in https://firebase.google.com/
- Open chatter.js
- Replace the value of "config object" with details of your firebase databse. It can be found in Authentication > Web Setup
- In database tab, change "Cloud Firestore" to "Realtime Database".
- On the same tab, change the rules to
service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /{document=**} { allow read, write; } } }
- Follow this for google authentication https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/sign-in