This OPC UA reference implementation is targeting the .NET Standard Library. .Net Standard allows developing apps that run on all common platforms available today, including Linux, iOS, Android (via Xamarin) and Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (including embedded/IoT editions) without requiring platform-specific modifications. Furthermore, cloud applications and services (such as ASP.Net, DNX, Azure Websites, Azure Webjobs, Azure Nano Server and Azure Service Fabric) are also supported. For more information and license terms, see here.
- Fully ported Core UA stack and SDK (Client, Server, Configuration & Sample assemblies)
- Sample Servers and Clients, including all required controls, for .Net 4.6, .NetCore and UWP.
- X.509 certificate support for client and server authentication
- Anonymous, username, X.509 certificate (experimental) and JWT (experimental) user authentication
- UA-TCP & HTTPS transports (client and server)
- Folder & OS-level (X509Store) certificate-store support
- Sessions (including UI support in the samples)
- Subscriptions (including UI support in the samples)
- OPC UA Reference Server, Aggregation Server and COM Server Wrapper samples
All the tools you need for .Net Standard come with the .Net Core tools. See here for what you need.
All required application certificates for OPC UA are created at the first start of each application in a directory store and remain in use until deleted from the store.
By default the self signed certificates are stored in a folder called OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\MachineDefault in a root folder which is specified by the environment variable ProgramData. On Windows 7/8/8.1/10 this is usually the invisible folder C:\ProgramData.
Note: Since the sample applications in the UA-.Net repository use the same storage and application names as UA-.NetStandardLibrary, but create only certificates with hostname localhost
, it is recommended to delete all existing certificates in MachineDefault to recreate proper certificates for all sample applications when moving to the UA-.NetStandardLibrary repository.
By default the self signed certificates are stored in a folder called OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\MachineDefault in the LocalState folder of the installed universal windows package. Deleting the application state also deletes the certificate store.
The self signed certificates are stored in OPC Foundation/CertificateStores/MachineDefault in each application project folder
By default all sample applications are configured to register with a Local Discovery Server (LDS). A reference implementation of a LDS for Windows can be downloaded from here. To setup trust with the LDS the certificates need to be exchanged or registration will fail.
- Open the solution UA-NetStandard.sln with VisualStudio.
- Choose a project in the Solution Explorer and set it with a right click as
Startup Project
. - Hit
to build and execute the sample.
This section describes how to run the NetCoreConsoleClient and NetCoreConsoleServer sample applications.
Please follow instructions in this article to setup the dotnet command line environment for your platform.
- Once the
command is available, navigate to the root folder in your local copy of the repository and executedotnet restore
. This command calls into NuGet to restore the tree of dependencies.
- Open a command prompt
- Now navigate to the folder SampleApplications/Samples/NetCoreConsoleServer.
- To run the server sample type
dotnet run
. The server is now running and waiting for connections. In this sample configuration the server always rejects new client certificates.
- Open a command prompt
- Now navigate to the folder SampleApplications/Samples/NetCoreConsoleClient.
- To execute the sample type
dotnet run
to connect to the OPC UA console sample server running on the same host. To connect to another OPC UA server specify the server as first argument and type e.g.dotnet run opc.tcp://myserver:51210/UA/SampleServer
. - On first connection, or after certificates were renewed, the server may have refused the client certificate. Check the server and client folder OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\RejectedCertificates for rejected certificates. To approve a certificate copy it to the OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\UA Applications folder.
- Retry step 3 to connect using a secure connection.
- Please refer to the OPC Foundation UA .Net Standard Library COM Server Wrapper for a detailed description how to run the OPC COM wrapper.
- Please refer to the OPC Foundation UA .Net Standard Library Aggregation Client and Server for a detailed description how to run the aggregation client and server.
- Please refer to the OPC Foundation UA .Net Standard Library Reference Server for a detailed description how to run the reference server against the UACTT.
Go to the Azure portal and create a new Storage account.
Open the solution OpcUaWebTelemetry.sln with VisualStudio 2015.
Open the MessageProcessing\Configuration.cs file to configure the app to use your Azure resources (Storage account and IoTHub).
// {StorageAccountName} is the name of the storage account and could be found
// under Settings->Access keys->Storage account name of your storage account on the Azure portal.
// {AccessKey} is the access key of the storage account and could be found
// under Settings->Access keys->key1 of your storage account on the Azure portal.
public static string StorageConnectionString = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={StorageAccountName};AccountKey={AccessKey}";
// {ConsumerGroupName} is the name of a aonsumer group of your IoTHub. The IoTHub you use is the
// one you have created for use with the OPC UA Publisher sample.
// You need to create this consumer group via the messaging settings of your IoTHub in the Azure portal.
// We recommend that you do not share this Consumer group with other consumers, nor that you use the $Default consumer group.
public static string EventHubConsumerGroup = "{ConsumerGroupName}";
// {EventHubEndpoint} is the Event Hub compatible endpoint of your IoTHub and could be found
// under Settings->Messaging->Event Hub-compatible endpoint of your IoTHub in the Azure portal.
// {PrimaryKey} is the IoT Hub primary key for access with iothubowner policy and could be found
// under Settings->Shared access policies->iothubowner->Primary key of your IoTHub in the Azure portal.
public static string EventHubConnectionString = "Endpoint={EventHubEndpoint};SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;{PrimaryKey}";
// {HubName} is the Event Hub compatible name of your IoTHub and could be found
// under Settings->Messaging->Event Hub-compatible name of your IoTHub in the Azure portal.
public static string EventHubName = "{HubName}";
Save the file, rebuild the solution and start it. This will start a local instance of the application.
The solution can also be deployed into a Azure App service. Please use VisualStudio 2015's Azure publishing functionality for this purpose.
Now run the OPC UA Publisher sample, connect to a OPC UA server and publish a node.
You should see the node value on the web page after a few seconds.
We strongly encourage community participation and contribution to this project. First, please fork the repository and commit your changes there. Once happy with your changes you can generate a 'pull request'.
You must agree to the contributor license agreement before we can accept your changes. The CLA and "I AGREE" button is automatically displayed when you perform the pull request. You can preview CLA here.