Ethernet Packet Inspection
The vivado project
- main design (src/bd)
- main IP (repo/packet_analyzer_core)
The linux char driver that controls the design.
- main.c (char driver instantiation)
- epi_dma.c (dma functionalities)
- epi_device.c (device's interaction with files)
- epi_netfilter.c (netfilter hook)
The linux user-space application that interacts with the driver
- engine.c (functions communicating with the engine)
- uart_connect.c (functions communicating with hosts computers via UART)
The Windows SIEM application interface.
Contains common definiotions for both epi_app and epi_driver.
Contains generated files, usefull to run the project without any compile.
Marius-Cristian ANDREI e-mail: