released this
01 Jul 08:36
0.5.0 (2022-07-01)
add PageWrapper as a global component, abolish the Button global component (6bbeb43 )
ApiSelect: add components and documentation (3c4d0f6 )
CountdownInput: add components and documentation (6cb9ca4 )
PageWrapper: reoptimize components and documentation (6bbeb43 )
Icon: reoptimize components and documentation (06f1027 )
SvgIcon: reoptimize components and documentation (06f1027 )
ClickOutside: reoptimize components and documentation (5008d97 )
useDesign: reoptimize function and documentation (0cba00b )
IconPicker: reoptimize function and documentation (a6c6e8d )
CollapseContainer: reoptimize components and documentation(eb30b4e )
LazyContainer: reoptimize components and documentation (eb30b4e )
ScrollContainer: reoptimize components and documentation(eb30b4e )
Authority: reoptimize components and documentation (ea6b6b3 )
BasicForm: reoptimize components and documentation (fda4e37 )
BasicModal: reoptimize components and documentation (104cb42 )
BasicTable: reoptimize components and documentation (b272c19 )
BasicUpload: reoptimize components and documentation (1a023a1 )
CardGrid: reoptimize components and documentation (17f257f )
ContextMenu: reoptimize components and documentation (b3d4439 )
CountTo: reoptimize components and documentation (02bedba )
BasicDescription: reoptimize components and documentation (e56621b )
BasicDrawer: reoptimize components and documentation (4a1e364 )
StrengthMeter: reoptimize components and documentation (653d6f9 )
Transition: reoptimize components and documentation (6c64c2c )
VirtualScroll: reoptimize components and documentation (78615cc )
Time: reoptimize components and documentation (4abc43c )
DragVerify: reoptimize components and documentation (aa18be4 )
Performance Improvements
compatible with better import methods (9c0065a )
Bug Fixes
rename and retrieve example (e2e7a4e )
rename Form to BasicForm (3bb3b19 )
rename Modal to BasicModal (af3d3e2 )
rename Table to BasicTable (990d478 )
rename Upload to BasicUpload (f8bd2ca )
Basic: optimize the confirmation button of the operation column (79fdb6f )
BasicModal: fix can't close popup (75214ed )
BasicModal: remove draggable, officially supports draggable (302b2b5 )
change the name to avoid conflicts (465c172 )
Cropper: remove components (73b7ad8 )
fix scrollbar caused by dynamic height (db80397 )
fix warnings caused by empty props (5931df2 )
Form: clicking submit does not return content (787358a )
global components cannot be declared (702b79e )
import name is wrong (dd067f0 )
optimization content (f924aae )
optimize the introduction of Element Plus (85ee565 )
optimized directives (9dd3158 )
partial dark mode matching (b97a52e )
Progress: remove components, replace official components (affe8db )
remove BasicArrow, reoptimize BasicHelp and BasicTitle components and documentation (aae1e95 )
remove extra tabs (dd80377 )
remove imgPreview component (2e74276 )
remove some meaningless compatible code (284f69f )
remove tree redundant code (b820e2f )
remove unnecessary whitespace handling (59d5fc7 )
stripping form components and other detail optimizations (6f24310 )
useMessage optimization (c3a2cbf )
You can’t perform that action at this time.