Generator v1.0
First release of the generator tool
- Supported function:
- eSTREAM finalists (Grain, HC-128, Rabbit, Salsa20, SOSEMANUK)
- SHA-3 finalists (BLAKE, Grostl, JH, Keccak, MD6, Skein)
- Other well-known functions: AES, DES, 3-DES, RC4.
- And many others that were not verified yet.
- Stream transformers and sources:
- true and false bits streams
- PRNG streams
- counter, Strict avalanche criterion streams
- postprocessing: bit selection, transposition
Provided Python script can run the basic setup for functions mentioned above. The script is parametrised by cmd arguments. Example for 1 MB file from 3 rounds AES:
python3 ./ -f AES -r 3 -d 1000000