Home-Manager module for LeftWM
Nix to RON conversion is bare-bones, so there could be some errors.
Add the flake as an input
# flake.nix
inputs = {
leftwm-flake.url = "github:crolbar/leftwm-flake";
Import and use the module
By default It will use the package output from leftwm's flake
so you will probably need to build it from source.
If you don't want to do that just declare package = pkgs.leftwm;
imports = [inputs.leftwm-flake.homeManagerModules.default];
programs.leftwm = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.leftwm;
theme = {
border_width = 2;
margin = 4;
default_border_color = "#000000";
floating_border_color = "#ff0000";
focused_border_color = "#ff0000";
up = ''
leftwm-command "LoadTheme $SCRIPTPATH/theme.ron"
eww open btm_tray -c ~/.config/leftwm/themes/current/eww
eww open tags -c ~/.config/leftwm/themes/current/eww
down = ''
leftwm-command "UnloadTheme"
settings = {
modkey = "Super";
mousekey = "Super";
workspaces = [];
tags = ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"];
layouts = ["MainAndVertStack" "GridHorizontal" "EvenVertical"];
focus_behaviour = "Sloppy";
focus_new_windows = true;
single_window_border = false;
keybind = [
command = "Execute";
value = "rofi -show drun -show-icons";
modifier = ["modkey"];
key = "r";
command = "Execute";
value = "alacritty";
modifier = ["modkey"];
key = "x";
command = "CloseWindow";
modifier = ["modkey" "Shift"];
key = "q";
command = "SoftReload";
modifier = ["modkey" "Shift"];
key = "r";