Release notes Stock v0.20.8
Generated on: 11/30/2020, 3:04:44 PM
Repository: git@github.com:crossroads/stock.goodcity.git
Tickets affected by this release
- GCW-3179 Stock - Improve search feature for adding donor info to an item
- GCW-3371 STOCK: user can remove specific quantity from box or pallet
- GCW-3408 Stock - Disabled user account can have both email & phone removed
- GCW-3395 Admin: Adding a company to an order after attempting to create a company with a blank name does not display the company.
- GCW-2867 Stock: Popups don't disappear when the browser's back (or forward) button is used.
- GCW-3404 Performance improvement
- GCW-3410 Stock - Improvements to Stocktake
- GCW-3385 Stock - Increase clarity of box/pallet contents
- GCW-3306 STOCK: Orders work regardless of detail_type
- GCW-2625 STOCK: Deeplinks from notifications are not working