Linux from scratch seems cool af to roll your own and get a deeper understanding of what actually composes a linux system.
Built using version 12.2
Not finished - currently @ 5.3. GCC-14.2.0 - Pass 1
Other things to note/read
Useful to just get the barebones top-of-tree image LFS is built on top of
make run-empty
# to nuke existing container
make clean=1 run-empty
This image has all of the install
tools required to be able to install/compile/configure LFS
make run-base
# to nuke existing container
make clean=1 run-base
This image has all of the install
tools required to be able to install/compile/configure LFS
make run
# to nuke existing container
make clean=1 run
make build-base
# to add a --no-cache to start from fresh
make cache=0 build-base
make build
# to add a --no-cache to start from fresh
make cache=0 build
This will nuke the containers specific to LFS (lfs-base
and lfs-full
make cleanup
This wipes out everything, volumes, caches, images, containers etc. on your whole SYSTEM
make nuke