This project contains all the boilerplate for initialising a new Python project on github. It includes:
- Automated tests with py.test
- Enforced static code linting and validation with ruff, black and mypy, encapsulated by pre-commit
- Sphinx documentation framework
- Integration with github workflows,, and readthedocs
- CI tests against multiple versions of Python (Anaconda distribution) and on multiple OSs (Linux, Windows, and MacOS)
- Explicit tests for minimum supported dependencies versions
- Automated versioning with setuptools-scm
- Step-by-step guide to release to pypi and conda-forge
Full documentation at
- Copy all the files into your project (don't forget the hidden files!)
- Replace all TEMPLATE tags with your project name (also in file and directory names)
- Search for all TODO tags and replace them as needed
- Integrate with readthedocs, Travis, and AppVeyor and obtain successful builds
- Replace the TEMPLATE directory with your own python files and tests.
Forked from
TODO replace crusaderky/python_project_template with {github user}/{project name}. You may want to move this section to the top of the page!