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Terraform Module: Docker Artifact Packager

This Terraform module provides a reusable, customizable solution for building Docker images and extracting artifacts from them. This utility module builds artifacts with docker to prevent polluting host environment.


  • Builds Docker images using provided build context and arguments
  • Creates a unique tag for each Docker image built
  • Generates a zip archive of the specified directory
  • Copies an artifact from the Docker container to a specified path
  • Supports both Linux and Windows Docker containers


module "artifact_packager" {
  source  = "cruxstack/artifact-packager/docker"
  version = "x.x.x"

  docker_build_context = "${path.module}/examples/aws-lambda-fn/fixures/echo-app"
  docker_build_target  = "package"
  artifact_src_path    = "/tmp/"


In addition to the variables documented below, this module includes several other optional variables (e.g., name, tags, etc.) provided by the cloudposse/label/null module. Please refer to the cloudposse/label documentation for more details on these variables.

Name Description Type Default Required
docker_build_context The context to use when building the Docker image. string n/a yes
docker_build_target The target to use when building the Docker image. string n/a yes
docker_build_args Additional arguments to pass to Docker during the build process. map(string) {} no
artifact_dst_directory The destination directory on the host machine to which the artifact will be copied. string "" no
artifact_src_path The path in the Docker container from which to copy the artifact. string n/a yes
artifact_src_type "The type of artifact to copy. Accepts 'zip' or 'directory'." string zip no
force_rebuild_id A unique identifier that, when changed, will force the Docker image to be rebuilt. string "" no
os_compatibility The operating system of Terrafrom environment. Accepts 'unix' or 'windows'. string unix no


Name Description
artifact_package_path The local path where the artifact located.


We welcome contributions to this project. For information on setting up a development environment and how to make a contribution, see CONTRIBUTING documentation.