title | author | date | output |
Relational Algebra Calculus |
Deepak Yadav |
17 October 2016 |
pdf_document |
How to use Relation Algebra Calculator
1. select ($)
syntax: $(table)(conditions)
conditions support <, >, =, &, !, |, +, -, * operators only
<= is not supported but same is possible using <, &, =
similarly >= using >, &, =
and != using !, =
2. project (#)
syntax: #(table)(column1, column2, column3, ....)
3. union (U)
syntax: U(first_table)(second_table)
4. difference (D)
syntax: D(first_table)(second_table)
5. rename (R)
syntax: R(old_table)(new_table_name[, new_column1_name, ...])
6. cartesian product (C)
syntax: C(first_table)(second_table)
Calculator also support nested queries
project inside select
$(#(table)(column1, column2, column3, ....))(conditions)
select inside project
#($(table)(conditions))(column1, column2, column3, ....)
nesting can be complex
C(R(U(#(table1)(column1, column2, column3, ....))($(table3)(conditions)))
(new_table_name[, new_column1_name, ...]))
(R(D($(table2)(conditions))(#(table4)(column1, column2, column3, ....)))
(new_table_name[, new_column1_name, ...]))
Steps to run calculator
1. open the terminal
2. change the directory to Relational-Algebra-Calculator
3. g++ -std=c++11 nested_query.cpp -o output.out
4. ./output.out