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This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 17, 2024. It is now read-only.


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NOTE: As a trial, Malachite's development currently takes place at

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Malachite is a simple yet useful workspace and local repository management tool, made for packagers of Arch Linux based distributions.

Basic Usage Guide

Action Command
Build a package mlc build <package> [all if left empty]
Generate local repository mlc repo-gen
Update local repos/PKGBUILDs mlc pull/update [all if left empty]
Create and/or open config file mlc conf
Initialises repo/workspace based on config in mlc.toml mlc clone/init
Displays information about a Malachite repository mlc info/status

Pacman Repository Creation

  • mlc config to create the config (and also populate it)
  • mlc init to build repository base from config file
  • mlc build <package> to either build individual packages, or don't specify package names to build all packages in mlc.toml
    • build typically automatically updates the repository unless --no-regen is passed, if so:
  • mlc repo-gen to generate functional pacman repository at <name>/<name>.db from built packages

How to build:

Tested on latest Cargo (1.60.0-nightly)

Debug/development builds

  • cargo build

Optimised/release builds

  • cargo build --release