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How to run our app locally

Devyan Biswas edited this page Mar 8, 2021 · 4 revisions

How to run our app

One can run our app through the use of our github repo!

Clone Repo

What you should do is first run the command “git clone” in the directory where you want to save this project. Then, you can pull the latest code from the “master” or “dev” branches using git pull origin dev or git pull origin master.

Environment Setup

Finally, once you’re done with that, enter the 11 folder, enter the sportify-frontend folder, and run npm install to get all the frontend libraries we used for this project. Next, go back to the parent folder, go to the sportify-backend folder, and run npm install as well as npm install bcrypt in order to get all backend dependencies.

Running the app

To start up the backend, you can switch to the sportify-backend directory, and run npm start. Finally, you can open another git bash terminal and go to sportify-frontend. On sportify-frontend, run npm run dev to start up the frontend; you can now go to your browser and type localhost:3000 if the command before didn’t already open the frontend of our app. From here, you interact with our app, and test all the functionality.