Salt projects is made to show the integration of Amazon s3 and mazon cognito in iOS.
Amzon account setup is more complicated than iOS Code, here is the headlines to help reader to setup amazon account.
- login in amazon and create a identity pool
- Update policies to Aws S3 using amazon ARN
- Create a facebook App on
- Enable facebook login as identity Provider
- Create a bucket , make sure to choose same region for identity pool and bucket (for this project)
- Update a policy for your bucket using ARN. (in this project we have 1 private and 2 public bucket)
- Setup info.plist for facebook
- Replace poolID and region with your own
- To upload there is a default 'my.txt' file.
- To download copy url from bucket manually or get url after successful upload
- Amazon Idntity Provider Setup
- Amazon Bucket Setup
- FaceBook Setup as ID Provider
- Upload a default file 'my.txt' in private or public bucket
- download files if exist for given url
- ios 11.0+
- xcode 9.0+
Salt is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.