User Stories / Acceptance Critera:
- As a user I would like an app to display a list of student-sold items that I might want to buy -- List views of postings
- As a user I want to be able to register/signin -- Make an account and sign in sucessfully
- As a user, I want to ensure that other users are vanderbilt students -- All user have valid .edu email
- As a user, I should be able to add a new post -- Sucessful creation of post in list view.
- As a user, I want to be able to contact the poster of an ad -- Easy access to contact information of poster.
- As a user, I want to filter posts by category -- List view filters by category.
- As a user, I want delete my posts -- After I delete a post I should not see it in the listview.
- As a user, I want to view detailed info on a post -- Show the detailed info of the post.
- As a user, I can see my own post -- My post appears on the listview.
- Brendan McNamara (
- Will Pascucci (
- Fangzhou Sun (
- Xiaochen Yang (
- Oliver Dormody (
- Alex Meyer (
- Michael Nakayama (
- Liyan Hou (
- Violetta Vylegzhanina (
- Walton Seymour (
- Monica Hedda (
- Jake Bray (
- Alex Wan (
- MingYang Lu (
We will use Trello as a mechanism for team collaboration:
The project is broken down into two major teams: Front-End and Back-End. The Front-End team is broken into iOS and Android teams.
Between the Front-End and Back-End teams, the main point of communication is the HTTP API. This API is documented, tested, and implemented by the Back-End team with suggestions submitted by the Front-End team. The API documentation will be provided by the Back-End team using swagger so the Front-End team can implement the clients.
Between the iOS team and Android team, the main point of communication is the Wireframes (submitted on Trello). These WireFrames help communicate which features need implementing and how they should look on the mobile client (so the two clients have similar UI's).
Each individual team is responsible for managing itself and meeting deadlines that are agreed upon when all the teams meet in class.