- Task 1
- Create all 8 issues, so that members can pick the issues they want to solve and complete it
- Task 2
- Create project board, so members can see which tasks is not completed, in progress and completed
- Task 3
- Create readme.md about all the issues containing brief description of each task
- Task 4
- Edit the readme.md (on the contributor section)
- Arrange the contents into the format specified in task 4
- Task 5
- Check whether the issues are labelle
- Check if pull request is in proper columns
- Remind people to include .md file in the __stu folder and their "hello" card in the project board
- Task 6
- In code.c, write a simple C code
- Set up a github action with a workflow to run the c code
- Task 7
- Edit the readme.md (on the code section) and include the code from
(task 6) usinginclude_relative
- Highlight the code using C syntax
- Earn a workflow status badge for the code
- Insert the image using markdown (under the code snippet)
- Edit the readme.md (on the code section) and include the code from
- Task 8
- Promote this repo!
- Request review from @chuckjee
{% include_relative code.c %}
{% for stu in site.stu %}
@{{stu.user}} ({{ stu.name }}) - {{ stu.content | markdownify }} {% endfor %}Last Updated Time: {{ "now" | date: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" }}