- Visit [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads] to download Virtualbox if you do not have it already
- After installation, download the .ova file for the virtual machine (VM) image that holds our application
- It is 6 GB so it will take a while
- After getting the VM image, open the Virtualbox application and select "Tools" then "Import"
- Navigate to the directory where you have saved the .ova file and click "Next"
- You may change the name of the VM but be sure to check the "Base Folder" since that is where the VM will be saved
- Keep all other settings then click "Import"
- After successfully importing, start up the VM
- Log into "Alan Pinkhasik" with the password "TempPass442@"
- Open the terminal and run these commands
cd Desktop/Environments
source 442_proj/bin/activate (this activates the virtualenv)
cd django_project
python3 manage.py runserver **MUST BE PYTHON3, NOT JUST PYTHON**
- After starting up the server, head to Google Chrome and type "localhost:8000" in the URL
- You have reached the application and are now able to use it!
- To stop the server, head back into the terminal and press Ctrl+C
- To stop the virtualenv, type "deactivate" without the quotes into the terminal