Kripto βΏ trading platform, periodically checks the BTC-GBP exchange rate using Coinbase APIs and makes intelligent decisions whether to buy/sell Bitcoin. Executes trades using Coinbase Pro.
Function | Service | Runtime | Events | Description |
rate-retriever | rate-retriever | Node.js | Schedule | Retrieves the BTC-GBP exchange rate from Coinbase and publishes result to SNS. |
trade | trader | Go | Invocation | Calls Coinbase Pro to make a BTC-GBP trade and publishes result to SNS. |
get-wallet | trader | Go | Invocation | Calls Coinbase Pro to get accounts & balances. |
rate-writer | data-storer | Go | SQS | Stores a trade in the database. |
trade-writer | data-storer | Go | SQS | Stores a rate in the database. |
data-reader | data-storer | Go | Invocation | Gets the previous week's rates from the database and returns in the response. |
trade-decider | trade-decider | Python | Schedule | Makes an intelligent decision whether or not to trade BTC-GBP based on historic rates. |
receipt-emailer | receipt-emailer | Java | SQS | Sends an email receipt containing all the details of the trade. |
- Language - JavaScript
- Runtime - nodejs12.x
- Event - Scheduled - every minute
- Services - AWS Lambda, Serverless, SNS (Publisher), Coinbase API
- Language - Go
- Runtime - go1.x
- Event - Invocation
- Services - AWS Lambda, Serverless, SNS (Publisher), Coinbase Pro API
- Idempotency -
sent in request payload
"idempotencyKey": "aa368788-bb4f-40c0-b80f-afcfdaf18574",
"tradeType": "buy",
"amount": "10.00"
- Language - Go
- Runtime - go1.x
- Event - Invocation
- Services - AWS Lambda, Serverless, Coinbase Pro API
"gbp": {
"id": "423e4c86-f9cc-4e9f-9ddd-03756fdaaefc",
"balance": 0.10107396,
"hold": 0,
"available": 0.10107396
"btc": {
"id": "8eef875f-0670-4d31-9952-d59f85e7a215",
"balance": 0.0026355,
"hold": 0,
"available": 0.0026355
- Language - Go
- Runtime - go1.x
- Event - SQS -
queue - Services - AWS Lambda, Serverless, SQS (Consumer), MongoDB
- Idempotency - SQS
used as idempotency key
"rate": "8012.92",
"dateTime": "2020-05-19T19:39:00"
- Language - Go
- Runtime - go1.x
- Event - SQS -
queue - Services - AWS Lambda, Serverless, SQS (Consumer), MongoDB
- Idempotency - SQS
used as idempotency key
"id": "aa368788-bb4f-40c0-b80f-afcfdaf18574",
"side": "buy",
"productId": "BTC-GBP",
"funds": "9.95024875",
"settled": true,
"createdAt": "2020-05-19T19:39:00",
"fillFees": "0.049751102976",
"filledSize": "0.00125952",
"executedValue": "9.9502205952"
- Language - Go
- Runtime - go1.x
- Event - Invocation
- Services - AWS Lambda, Serverless, MongoDB
"id": "5ecf261e05a7428989286075",
"rate": 7553.79,
"dateTime": "2020-05-28T02:44:53.437Z",
}, {
"id": "5ecf270d05a7428989286079",
"rate": 7548.3,
"dateTime": "2020-05-28T02:50:53.776Z",
- Language - Python
- Runtime - python3.8
- Event - Scheduled - every minute
- Services - AWS Lambda, Serverless, SQS (Consumer)
"rate": "8012.92",
"dateTime": "2020-05-19T19:39:00"
- Language - Kotlin
- Runtime - java11
- Event - SQS -
queue - Services - AWS Lambda, Serverless, SQS (Consumer)
- Idempotency - trade ID (
) in message payload used as idempotency key
"id": "aa368788-bb4f-40c0-b80f-afcfdaf18574",
"side": "buy",
"productId": "BTC-GBP",
"funds": "9.95024875",
"settled": true,
"createdAt": "2020-05-19T19:39:00",
"fillFees": "0.049751102976",
"filledSize": "0.00125952",
"executedValue": "9.9502205952"
- Description - Signifies a trade has taken place
- SQS Queues
- Publisher - trader
- Subscribers
- trade-writer
- receipt-emailer
"id": "aa368788-bb4f-40c0-b80f-afcfdaf18574",
"side": "buy",
"productId": "BTC-GBP",
"funds": "9.95024875",
"settled": true,
"createdAt": "2020-05-19T19:39:00",
"fillFees": "0.049751102976",
"filledSize": "0.00125952",
"executedValue": "9.9502205952"
- Description - Signifies a rate update event
- SQS Queues
- Publisher - rate-retriever
- Subscribers
- rate-writer
- trade-decider
"rate": "8012.91",
"dateTime": "2020-05-19T19:39:00"