A quick and easy way to find something to do around town
Lorem Sipsum provides one place to find an event in your area as well as nearby Restaraunts and Breweries to give you options to set up the perfect night out'
Simply input your desired location, whether it be where you live or somewhere you are visiting, and pick the kind of event you are interested. You will be met with a number of options to pick from in the desired area and links to tickets, menus, and locations.
Your location search will be run against 3 different public API's
- Ticketmaster
- Documenu
- OpenBreweriesDB
Your desired event type search will be passed off to the Ticketmaster filtering in place and will return results for nearby Restaraunts and Breweries based on those event results. These will be displayed in easy to view cards in columns down the page.
A few ideas that are in the making-
- Geolocation based search results
- Time based Itenerary planning element
- Reservation Widget like OpenTable
- "See More" option for list of results