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Release 1.4.0

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@csjx csjx released this 28 Dec 22:29

The 1.4.0 release improves support for managing the data archive and instrument drivers. Features and bug fixes include:

  • Refactors the TextRebuildApp to create a TextRebuilder class used in both the TextRebuildApp and the new TextReloaderApp
  • Adds a new TextLoaderApp that takes an instrument ID and raw data directory and uploads the latest year of data to the Data Turbine
  • Adds a new manage-instruments command called reloader that calls the TextLoaderApp
  • Adds a short name field to the XML configuration file used in the manage-instruments -l command (e.g. shows NS01, NS02, etc.)
  • Removes redundant files found in /data/processed and fixes the code issue creating extra files

See the new manage-instruments usage help:

$ manage-instruments -h

manage-instruments -l
manage-instruments -c driver|archiver -o start|stop [-a] [-h] [-i instr1] [-i instr2] [-i instrN]
manage-instruments -c rebuilder -i instr -d directory
manage-instruments -c reloader -i instr -d directory

List the status of all instrument drivers and archivers, or
start or stop one or more instrument source drivers or archivers by optionally providing the instrument id.

Alternatively, rebuild an instrument archive by providing the instrument id, and an existing raw archive directory path.

Lastly, reload an instrument's data into the Data Turbine by providing an instrument id and raw data directory.


    -a  Start, stop or show status for all configured instruments
    -c  The command to run, 'driver', 'archiver', 'rebuilder', 'reloader', to stream, archive, rebuild or reload data.
    -h  Show this message.
    -i  The instrument id. Use -i multiple times for multiple instruments. Use once for a rebuild or reload.
    -l  List the status of all drivers and archivers.
    -o  Indicate which operation to perform, start, stop, or status (requires 'driver' or 'archiver' commands).
    -d  The existing raw instrument archive to rebuild (requires 'rebuilder' or 'reloader' command).
    -V  Show the version (1.4.0)