A python module for reading and changing status of eva devices through Eva High Level API. Compatible with Python3.
This software is not affiliated with Datek Smart Home AS and the developers take no legal responsibility for the functionality or security of your Eva Smart Home and devices.
0.0.1 Initial setup
usage: eva.py [-h] [-i HOME_ID] [-c COOKIE]
username password environment
{homes, home}
Read status of Eva devices
positional arguments:
username Eva username
password Eva password
environment Eva environment
{homes, home}
homes Get all homes for chosen environment
home Get a specific home
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i HOME_ID, --home-id HOME_ID
Home Id of your home
-c COOKIE, --cookie COOKIE
File to store cookie in
import eva
session = eva.Session('user@example.com', 'mypassword', prod)
homes = session.get_homes()
import eva
session = eva.Session('user@example.com', 'mypassword', prod, home_id)
home = session.get_home(home_id)