Releases: ctco/gradle-mobile-plugin
Releases · ctco/gradle-mobile-plugin
Minor version
- A new plugin identifier 'lv.ctco.scm.knappsack-publishing' was created which now will control the registration of all Knappsack related tasks. The 'ctco-mobile' plugin will apply this new plugin instead of registering the knappsackUpload task directly.
Minor version
- Added XdepsCreateXdepsMavenRepositoryTask
- Updated some tasks to reuse Gradle logger instead of creating their own instance
- Refactored TeamcityUtil to support the new logging approach
- Added methods to resign .ipa and .app reusing existing codesign details
Bugfix version
- Fixed ZipUtil.compressDirectory bug by replacing Apache.FileUtils implementation with Java Stream
- Updated ZipUtil private methods to use Path objects instead of File objects
- Deprecated PathUtil
- Updated ReprofilingUtil.reprofileIpa to not use PathUtil
Minor version
- added reprofiling.verify property (true by default) to ReprofileIpaTask
- added boolean verify property support to ReprofilingUtil and IosCodesigningUtil
- added logging to DEBUG of command line calls in IosCodesigningUtil
- fixed the transitively acquired bug in IosCodesigningUtil.getFrameworks by replacing Apache FileUtils implementation with Java Stream
New major version 0.15.x
- updated dependencies
- new convenience class LoggerOutputStream
- removed logging to file capabilities from ExecOutputStream
- AndroidSDKUtil will now work with latest on-host build-tools instead of hard-coded version
- AndroidApksignerUtil will now return ExecResult objects instead of throwing exceptions when failures
- updated Xamarin build tasks to msbuild-only invocations
- updated naming of Xamarin debug symbol artifacts
- updated Xamarin BuildAndroidTask to completely depend on msbuild for Android artifact signing