This repository consists of neuroimaging workflows written in nipype with a focus on the Portable Batch System (PBS) job scheduler. It provides tools and documentation to neuroscientists for using the services of UF's Research Computing (RC) group.
In order to run the code provided in this repository the following software need to be available:
- PBS Job scheduler
- Required Modules:
- python (version 2.7.6)
- nipype (version 0.8)
- fsl (version 5.0.5)
- mricron (version 6/2013)
Before running the code, the required modules need to be loaded as follows:
module load python/2.7.6
module load nipype/0.8
module load fsl/5.0.5
module load mricron/201306
- Philip Chase
- Mohan Katragadda
- Ruchi Desai
New BSD License which can be found in the LICENSE file