Kubeadm-ansible project goal is to simple and fast installation of K8s cluster with high availability (HA) control plane without external loadbalancer.
Kubeadm-ansible use kubeadm installer to install K8s cluster and nginx to create high availbility (HA) control plane.
Kubeadm-ansible allow for setting following options:
- version of K8s cluster
- version of nginx docker image
- pods subnet
- mount extra disk to masters and node
Current version support Ubuntu 18.04 as base OS for masters and nodes.
Check connectivity to all hosts:
ansible all -b -i hosts -m ping
Install base packages on all hosts:
ansible-playbook -f 6 -v install-base.yaml -b -i hosts
Init k8s cluster (control plane first master):
ansible-playbook -v init-cluster.yaml -b -i hosts
Add masters to control plane:
ansible-playbook -v add-master.yaml -b -i hosts -l kube-m2
ansible-playbook -v add-master.yaml -b -i hosts -l kube-m3
Add nodes to k8s cluster:
ansible-playbook -f 3 -v add-node.yaml -b -i hosts
In host file is possible to set or override variables for custom installation:
k8s_version - k8s version (default: 1.15.7)
canal_version - canal version (default: 3.9; different version require manually template and add canal manifest to template directory)
nginx_image_tag - nginx image for loadbalancer proxy (default: 1.17.6-alpine)
pod_network - k8s pod network
service_network - k8s service network
docker_network - docker network
docker_subnet_mask - docker subnet network mask