Repo này chứa những bài tập và phần cấu hình sẵn cơ bản để bắt đầu làm việc với Selenium.
- Working with IDEs - IntelliJ
- Java programing fundamentals
- Testing fundamentals(test case, test plan, test suite ...)
- Cài đặt Java JDK
- Thiết lập biến môi trường JAVA_HOME
- Cho Windows 7
- Cho Windows 10
- Cho Linux
- Cho MAC OS
From OS X 10.5, Apple introduced a command line tool (/usr/libexec/java_home) which dynamically finds the top Java version specified in Java Preferences for the current user. Open ~/.bash_profile in any text editor and add: {% highlight bash %} export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) {% endhighlight %} Save and close the file. Open a Terminal and run the source command to apply the changes: {% highlight bash %} source ~/.bash_profile {% endhighlight %} Now we can check the value of the JAVA_HOME variable: {% highlight bash %} echo $JAVA_HOME {% endhighlight %} The result should be the path to the JDK installation: {% highlight bash %} /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_111.jdk/Contents/Home {% endhighlight %}
Download apache-maven-3.6.3.
- Sau đó giải nén file zip.
- Thêm đường dẫn your-dir/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin vào biến PATH
- Open browser
- Navigate to
- Fill in username with tomsmith
- Fill in the password with SuperSecretPassword!
- Click on Login button
- And the home page is appear
- Open browser
- Navigate to
- Check on "checkbox1"
- Verify "checkbox1" is checked
- Check on "checkbox2"
- Verify "checkbox2" is checked
- Open browser
- Navigate to
- Select "option 1"
- Validate "option 1" is selected
- Open browser
- Navigate to
- Click on "200"
- Then "200 status code" page appear
- Click on "go here"
- Click on "301"
- Then "301 status code" page appear
- Click on "go here"
- Click on "404"
- Then "404 status code" page appear
- Click on "go here"
- Click on "500"
- Then "500 status code" page appear
- Click on "go here"
- Validate largest due person from a table
- Open browser
- Navigate to
- Focus on table 1
- The person who has largest due is "Doe Jacson"
- Open browser
- Navigate to
- Verify Text present:
- JavaScript Alerts
- Open browser
- Navigate to
- When click on "Click For JS Alert" button
- Then the Popup is displayed.
- Hover elements
- Open browser
- Navigate to
- When user hover on user 1 avatar
- Then the "name: user1" label is present.
- Right click - Context menu
- Open browser
- Navigate to
- Right click on square box
- The context menu is displayed
- Page object model
- Open browser
- Navigate to
- Select metric unit tab
- Fill calculator with age,gender, weight, height
- Validate result is correct
- Verify user able create a new todo list
- Open browser
- Navigate to
- Enter a new todo name
- Verify a todo added