This web app is developed for human study in Computer Vision research, especially for GAN related tasks. We implemented:
- Just Noticeable Difference (JND): show user an image for one second and ask real/fake
- A/B Test: Given reference images, ask user whether query 1 or query 2 has better quality.
This web app is implemented by Django. (A nice tutorial for anyone who is interested to read.)
python runserver
One way to do so is to manually add question as the superuser. First log as the superuser. Create superuser by:
python createsuperuser
Then go to to change question pools. You may also need to link answers to their associated questions.
We are working writing a scrpt to do this. TBD.
Your users's report will be saved in the linked database. All you need to do is read the count of answers of every question, and evaluate according. We are working on developing a script which can do this automatically.
We borrowed some .css styles from