Scripts that are run against the ArchivesSpace API on a daily or weekly basis.
- Python 3.7+
- See requirements.txt
- Reporting scripts that can output to Google Sheets or a CSV file: report_accessions, report_agents, report_subjects, resource_reporter
Create a file to hold credentials and filepaths. The easiest way to do this is to rename local_settings.cfg.example
to local_settings.cfg
and update it with your values.
This project uses the Python PEP8 community style guidelines. To conform to these guidelines, the following linters are part of the pre-commit:
- black formats the code automatically
- flake8 checks for style problems as well as errors and complexity
- isort sorts imports alphabetically, and automatically separated into sections and by type
After locally installing pre-commit, install the git-hook scripts in the project directory: pre-commit install
This project adheres to Google’s docstring style guide. There are two types of docstrings: one-liners and multi-line docstrings. A one-line docstring may be perfectly appropriate for obvious cases where the code is immediately self-explanatory. Use multiline docstrings for all other cases.
New code should have unit tests. Tests are written in unittest style and run using tox. To run the unit tests, specify the Python version using the e
flag (see tox.ini
for supported versions).