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SPA using the Token Handler from Curity

Quality Availability

An example Single Page Application (SPA) client that uses the production supported backend components.
The SPA uses an API-driven OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect flow:

Logical Components

The SPA follows best practices for browser based apps with no tokens in the browser.
The SPA transports access tokens to APIs using HTTP-only SameSite=strict cookies.

Architecture Benefits

This provides the best separation of web and API concerns, to maintain all of the benefits of an SPA architecture:

  • Strongest Browser Security developed by experts
  • Supported Solution, with design guidance and professional services support
  • Great User Experience due to the separation of web and API concerns
  • Productive Developer Experience with only simple security code needed in the SPA
  • Deploy Anywhere, such as to a content delivery network

Simple Code in Apps

This repository demonstrates the business focused components you should need to develop:

  • A Single Page App coded in React
  • A Web Host to provide static content
  • An API that validates JWT access tokens

It also provides an example deployment so that you can understand the moving parts.

Run the End-to-end Flow

The SPA can be quickly run in an end-to-end flow on a development computer by following this guide:

Website Documentation

See the following resources for further information and tutorials:

More Information

Please visit for more information about the Curity Identity Server.