The idea of the project was to build a weather app using an API, the user will submit the city name in the input form and will get back information such as the English city name, forecast, temperature. The temperature is provided in Celcius and with a toggle button can switch to Farenheight. Also the main card will change between day and night depending on the information from the API.
- Bootstrap
- Webpack
- Javascript
To get a copy of the code please click on the green button on the top right corner that says Code
- Node installed on your computer
- Npm as well
Now to clone it to your local machine please open your terminal and paste this code git clone
Then you can go into the directory by typig cd weather-app
Next you need to access the brach by typing git checkout weather
Finally just type this command npm install
this will install all of the depnedecies for the project
Once you have gone through the process of installing the code you now run this command npm run start
this will start the app and a new window will open in your browser with the app ready to be use
👤 Cosmel Villalobos
- Github: @cvilla714
- Twitter: @kckeyti
- LinkedIn: Cosmel Villalobos
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.