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Run dockerized environment

docker-compose up -d

To rebuild docker images after updating sources run

docker-compose up -d --build

Access to web UI

After starting the system, the web application is available under: http://localhost:8888/splinter

test user:

password: 1


Run integration tests by:

pytest -v -s tests/


To prepare the project for deploying run the script:


The script will:

  • generate random passwords for docker services & replace them in .env file
  • generate docker-compose file compatible with docker swarm e.g include the content of .env file to each service depending on it.

NOTE: Remember to save generated passwords!


Changing the Model

The models used by the inference engine are located in the inference_engine/data/model directory, for example, inference_engine/data/model/

To change the model, follow these steps:

  1. Replace the Model File

    Replace the existing model file with the new model file in the inference_engine/data/model directory.

  2. Update the Configuration File

    Update the path to the new model file in the config.yaml file under the paths section. For example, to change the box_model_path, modify it as follows:

     box_model_path: inference_engine/data/model/

Deploying Docker Images to Docker Hub

To deploy the Docker images to Docker Hub, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Docker Hub

    First, log in to your Docker Hub account:

    docker login

    Enter your username and password/token. If you have 2FA enabled, generate a Personal Access Token in Docker

  2. Build the Docker Images

    Build the images with appropriate tags pointing to your repository. Navigate to the folder containing your docker-compose-prod.yml and run:

    docker build -t splinterpg/splinter-db:1.0 webapp/database
    docker build -t splinterpg/splinter-frontend:1.0 webapp/frontend
    docker build -t splinterpg/splinter-exam-storage:1.0 exam_storage
    docker build -t splinterpg/splinter-inference-engine:1.0 inference_engine

    You can add --push at the end of each command if you have Docker Buildx, otherwise, push the images manually.

  3. Push the Docker Images to Docker Hub

    Push the images to Docker Hub:

    docker push splinterpg/splinter-db:1.0
    docker push splinterpg/splinter-frontend:1.0
    docker push splinterpg/splinter-exam-storage:1.0
    docker push splinterpg/splinter-inference-engine:1.0

    After pushing, check the repository on Docker Hub to ensure the images are available.

  4. Modify Docker Configuration

    Modify the docker-compose-prod.yml file to pull the images from your Docker Hub repository. Replace the image names with the ones you pushed to Docker Hub.

  5. Test Deployment

    Test the deployment by running the docker-compose-prod.yml file:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml pull
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d

    This will pull the latest images and run the containers in the background.

Login Credentials

Known Issues

  • Issue: exec / no such file or directory after running the Docker containers

    For detailed troubleshooting steps and solution, refer to this Stack Overflow post.

  • Unresolved References in IDE:

    If you encounter unresolved references in your IDE (like PyCharm), follow these steps to resolve the issue:

    1. Open PyCharm and navigate to File -> Settings -> Project:Splinter -> Project Structure.
    2. Locate the inference_engine module within your project structure.
    3. Mark inference_engine as Sources root

    This action informs PyCharm that the inference_engine module should be recognized as a source directory, resolving unresolved references and enabling proper module imports within your project.