Once upon a time I wrote a small chess engine in Lisp. Then I wanted that engine to go faster, so I rewrote it in C. Then a while later I wanted to do a better chess engine, with more features. I am a big fan of Lisp so I wrote it in that. Then, again I wanted it to be faster so I rewrote it in C. Then for an AI course project, I added learning to the C version. The result has evolved into what you will find in this archive. It is alternatively known as BACE (Bowron-Abernethy Chess Engine) or BCE (Boo's Chess Engine). Rob Abernethy and I worked together to add the learning algorithm.
BCE was the basis for pspChess, an open-source chess game for the PlayStation Portable.
- Search
- NegaScout search
- Quiescence search
- Iterative deepening
- Null move search
- Transposition tables
- Aspiration Windows
- Move ordering
- Adjustable search depth
- Pondering
- Opening book
- icsdrone / WinBoard interface
- FEN parsing
- Temporal difference learning
BCE has played games on freechess.org under two accounts:
Last disconnected: Tue Mar 4, 14:37 EST 2003
rating RD win loss draw total best
Blitz 1908 350.0 6740 3215 503 10458 1995 (25-Dec-2000)
Standard 1529 350.0 1 5 0 6
Lightning 2028 350.0 423 202 15 640 2078 (19-Dec-2000)
Wild 1760 350.0 9 9 0 18
Last disconnected: Sat Sep 22, 10:04 EST 2001
rating RD win loss draw total best
Blitz 1947 350.0 6151 4913 813 11877 2054 (05-Jan-2001)
Standard 1677 350.0 1180 868 81 2129 1975 (12-Aug-2000)
Lightning 2057 350.0 2652 1648 170 4470 2179 (30-Aug-2000)
Wild 1742 350.0 6 32 0 38
Thanks to Dann Corbit for his many helpful hints, suggestions, and code.