KoalaBot is a free open source discord bot being developed by students from around the UK. Our aim is to ensure university society committee leaders can access all they need and from one easy to use discord bot to improve their server and society!
- Jack Draper - Project Manager - JayDwee
- Stefan Cooper - Senior Developer - stefan-cooper
- Kieran Allinson - Senior Developer - Kaspiaan
- Viraj Shah - Senior Developer - VirajShah18
All of our other amazing developers can be seen on our website https://koalabot.uk
See also the list of contributors to this repo.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
This application uses python 3.8 which you can download here
All python packages you need can be found in the requirements.txt. Before running the bot you must install these as so:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
On linux, database encryption will be enabled. Therefore, further packages are needed.
$ sudo apt install libsqlcipher-dev
Before running the bot you will need to create a .env
file in the root directory of this project. A template for this can be found here:
# Discord Bot
DISCORD_TOKEN = AdiSc0RdT0k3N # A discord Token taken from the discord developers portal
BOT_OWNER = 123456789 # (optional) A discord ID for the person who should have access to owner commands (will default to bot owner)
# Encryption (optional)
ENCRIPTION = False # or True (default) for disabling/enabling the database encryption
SQLITE_KEY = 123EXAMPLE456ENCRYPTION789KEY0 # A custom SQLcipher key
# Twitch Alert (Required for TwitchAlert Extension)
TWITCH_TOKEN = tw1tch70k3n # Twitch Token taken from the twitch developers portal
TWITCH_SECRET = tw1tch53cr3t # Twitch Secret taken from the twitch developers portal
# Verification (Required for Verify Extension)
GMAIL_EMAIL = example@gmail.com # email for a gmail account
GMAIL_PASSWORD = example_password123 # password for the same gmail account
is the only required environment variable for KoalaBot to be run.
Tests are run using the pytest library
$ pytest
If all prerequisites have been followed, you can start KoalaBot with the following command
$ python3 KoalaBot.py
- Website & Dashboard: koalabot.uk
- Support Discord: discord.koalabot.uk
- Development Documentation: documents.koalabot.uk
- Developer Roadmap: development.koalabot.uk
- Twitter: twitter.com/KoalaBotUK