A simple and effective way to update image paths in an existing docker-compose.yml file.
Maintaining a large docker compose file can be tedious. If you have a team of developers or have several VM's with a similiar docker compose file but with different environment variables, using this tool you can easily update only the image paths in a large docker-compose.yml file.
npm i docker-compose-image-updater -g
$> dciu --help
Usage: dciu [options]
-v, --version print dciu version
-u, --update-file YAML or JSON update file to pass in
-y, --yaml-file YAML file to update, typically a docker-compose.yml file
-o, --omit-backup Do not produce a backup of the original file. Default is to backup the file e.g. docker-compose.yml.1558044602.backup
The update file is a simple one-to-one mapping. The "service" name mapped to the docker "image". Below are examples files in YAML and in JSON.
Example images-to-update.yml
service1: nginx:1.16
service2: mysql:8.0
service3: hello-world:latest
Example images-to-update.json
"service1": "nginx:1.16",
"service2": "mysql:8.0",
"service3": "hello-world:latest"
This command will update a docker-compose.yml file images with new images and create a backup of the old docker compose file.
$> dciu -u images-to-update.yml -y docker-compose.yml
Created backup file "docker-compose.yml.1558053560.backup"
Updated "docker-compose.yml" with new values
To omit a backup, use the -o
$> dciu -u images-to-update.yml -y docker-compose.yml -o
Updated "docker-compose.yml" with new values