This Ansible Role will deploy and install CyberArk Privileged Session Manager PSM-SSH including the pre-requisites, application, hardening and selinux
- CentOS / RHEL installed on the remote host
- SSH open on port 22
- The workstation running the playbook must have network connectivity to the remote host
- Administrator access to the remote host
- PSM-SSH CD image
Variable | Required | Default | Comments |
psmp_extract_install | no | false | Run the pre install PSMP phase |
psmp_pre_install | no | false | Run the pre install PSMP phase |
psmp_install | no | false | Run the install PSMP phase |
psmp_post_install | no | false | Run the post install PSMP phase |
psmp_validate_install | no | false | Run the validate install PSMP phase |
psmp_clean_install | no | false | Run the clean PSMP phase |
Variable | Required | Default | Comments |
accept_eula | yes | No | Accepting EULA condition (Yes/No) |
psmp_zip_file_path | yes | None | CyberArk PSM-SSH installation Zip file package path |
psmp_ignore_checksum | no | false | Whether to ignore checksum check for the installation |
psmp_install_mode | no | Integrated | Installation mode, accepted values are (Integrated, CustomizedSSHD) |
psmp_install_adbridge | no | true | Whether to also install ADBridge service |
psmp_harden_machine | no | false | Whether to harden the machine during the installation or not |
psmp_with_selinux | no | false | Whether to enforce PSMP with selinux, will also try to install selinux itself |
psmp_configure_maintanance_users | no | false | Whether to configure maintenance users and groups for PSMP |
psmp_maintanance_users | no | root | List of maintenance users seperated by space |
psmp_maintanance_groups | no | root | List of maintenance groups seperated by space, only valid for integrated mode |
psmp_allow_sftp | no | true | Whether to enable SFTP to the machine after installation |
psmp_fetch_install_logs | no | true | Whether to fetch the installation logs back to the host, will be fetched to either current logs dir or DEFAULT_LOG_PATH env var |
Yum dependencies:
- unzip (For the zip un-archive)
The role consists of a number of different tasks which can be enabled or disabled for the particular run.
This task will validate parameters and whether psmp already exists on the machine for upgrade
This task will run the PSMP pre install steps.
This task will deploy the PSMP to required folder and deploy it
This task will validate that the deployment was successful
This task will run the PSMP post installation steps.
This task will clean PSMP and any related users / groups
Below is an example of how you can incorporate this role into an Ansible playbook to call the PSMP Deploy role with several parameters:
- include_role:
name: psmp-deploy
- psmp_extract_install: true
- psmp_pre_install: true
- psmp_install: true
- psmp_post_install: true
- psmp_validate_install: true
- psmp_clean_install: false
- psmp_install_mode: "Integrated"
- psmp_install_adbridge: true
- psmp_harden_machine: true
- psmp_ignore_checksum: true
- psmp_with_selinux: false
- accept_eula: "Yes"
- psmp_zip_file_path: "/tmp/"
- psmp_fetch_install_logs: true
For an example of how to incorporate this role into a complete playbook, please see the pas-orchestrator example.
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