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Gaurav Raj edited this page Apr 6, 2024 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Vigilante Arch's Wiki!


Getting started with Vigilante Arch is a breeze. Follow these simple steps to set up your system:

Linux Installation:

  1. Download the live ISO file from the official Vigilante Arch website.
  2. Flash the ISO file onto a USB drive using the dd command.
    • Make sure to replace <iso-file> with the path to the downloaded ISO file and <usb-drive> with the appropriate device identifier for your USB drive.
sudo dd bs=4M if=<iso-file> of=<usb-drive> conv=fdatasync status=progress
# Example: sudo dd bs=4M if=output/vigarch-2024.04.05-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sda conv=fdatasync status=progress

Windows Installation:

  1. Download and install Etcher, a user-friendly tool for flashing ISO files onto USB drives.
  2. Launch Etcher and select the downloaded ISO file.
  3. Choose the USB drive as the destination disk.
  4. Click on the "Flash" button to begin the flashing process.

While Vigilante Arch can be run from either a USB drive or a virtual machine using hypervisors like VirtualBox or VMware.

But we highly recommend using a USB drive for enhanced security. Running the system on a USB drive helps mitigate the risk of potential security vulnerabilities associated with hypervisor logs.

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