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TinkerHub SNMIMT Official Webpage

Welcome to the official webpage for TinkerHub SNMIMT! This project includes the TinkerHub SNMIMT official website and a specialized College Bus Stop ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) webpage. Developed in 2024 by TinkerHub SNMIMT students, this application is built using the Vue.js framework and Tailwind CSS.

## Features

- **Home Page**: Provides information about TinkerHub SNMIMT and its initiatives.
- **College Bus Stop ETA**: Displays real-time estimated arrival times for buses at the college bus stop.
- **Dark Mode**: Toggle between light and dark themes for enhanced user experience.
- **Real-Time Updates**: Live updates for current time and bus arrival times.
- **Responsive Design**: Fully responsive design that looks great on both desktop and mobile devices.

## Tech Stack

- **Vue.js**: A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.
- **Tailwind CSS**: A utility-first CSS framework for creating custom designs without having to leave your HTML.
- **Axios**: A promise-based HTTP client for making requests to the API.

## Getting Started

### Prerequisites

- [Node.js]( (version 14 or higher)
- [npm]( (Node package manager)

### Installation

1. **Clone the repository**

   git clone
   cd your-repo
  1. Install dependencies

    npm install
  2. Run the development server

    npm run dev

    This will start the development server and you can view the application at http://localhost:5173.

Build for Production

To build the project for production, run:

npm run build

This will create a dist directory with the production-ready files.

Project Structure

  • src/
    • assets/ - Contains images and other static assets.
    • components/ - Reusable Vue components.
    • views/ - Vue components representing pages or views.
    • App.vue - Root Vue component.
    • main.js - Entry point for the Vue application.
  • public/ - Contains the static HTML file and other assets.
  • tailwind.config.js - Tailwind CSS configuration file.
  • vue.config.js - Vue CLI configuration file.


  • Home Page: Contains information about TinkerHub SNMIMT and general navigation.
  • Bus Stop ETA: Allows users to see the current time and estimated arrival times of buses. Users can switch between different tabs to view all bus times, search for specific buses, or check buses arriving soon.


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions or improvements, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For any questions or inquiries, please contact us at

Developed by TinkerHub SNMIMT Students, 2024