- [master] The fully qualified name of the puppet master. Will default to the puppets fqdn. Default: $fqdn Optional: yes
class { 'puppet::config' :
master => 'puppet.example.com'
Declares and sets the parameters necessary for the puppet module.
[puppet_client_package] The name of the puppet client package that should be installed. eg puppet
[puppet_config] The path to the puppet configuration file. eg /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
[puppet_server_package] The name of the puppet master package that should be installed. eg puppet-server
[puppet_server_service] The name of the registered puppet master service.
Manages both puppet client and puppet master.
[puppet_server_package] The name of the puppet master package that should be installed. eg puppet-server
[puppet_server_service] The name of the registered puppet master service.