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Watching your build. Buildwatch can make reports on what behaviour your build shows. To be honest you can not only watch builds. Maybe you would rather watch your unit tests. No problem for buildwatch. The idea is that you host Buildwatch somewhere on a standalone server and give it its tasks via a CI pipeline.


We quickly describe how to set up the project.



You need a running Cuckoo instance and a Cuckoo API. You need to have this fork for the setup read its readme and the Cuckoo docs. You need to run the daemon cuckoo -d and the API cuckoo api. The IP and port of the API need to be given to Cuckoo via the configuration.


cd buildwatch-vm-packer

Grant that VM Internet access

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -o {yourinterfacehere} -i vboxnet0 -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1


The default configuration can be found in the /config/ If you want to supply your own values and overwrite those provide a similar python file. The path to the file should be supplied via the BUILDWATCH_SETTINGS_FILE environment variable. Buildwatch specific config options:

Option name Default Description
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI 'sqlite:///sql_lite.db' The url pointing to the Database used. Can also point to other types of databases than sqlite.
SECRETE_KEY 'secret' Used for cryptography should be changed in production
PROJECT_STORAGE_DIRECTORY './storage' Folder where data Buildwatch persistent data is stored
REPORT_FOR_FIRST_RUN TRUE Generate a report for the first run. Might perform badly on big projects.
DEBUG True Should be false in production
AUTH_TOKEN 'filloutinprod' Token used to authorize to the Buildwatch rest api
Cuckoo_API_URL 'http://localhost:8090' The url used to communicate with the Cuckoo rest api
Cuckoo_API_TOKEN '5Ql0ClpOzM9oot53daAIvA' The token for the Cuckoo api used to authenticate with it. Can be found in the configuration files of Cuckoo. (api_token property in Cuckoo.conf)
TIME_OUT_WAITING_FOR_Cuckoo 3*60*60 This many seconds we wait for Cuckoo builds to finish
TIME_OUT_WAITING_FOR_PREVIOUS_COMMIT 3*60*60 This many seconds we wait for the previous commit to be of status _prepared.
DELAY_CHECKING_Cuckoo_TASK_STATUS 20 Every x seconds check if the Cuckoo task finished.
DELAY_CHECKING_PREVIOUS_TASK_STATUS 20 Every x seconds check if the previous task finished.
PORT 8080 Port Buildwatch rest api is started on
CUSTOM_WHITELIST './storage/whitelist.json' Points to a file in json format that contains a list of strings that are used to define whitelisted observables. Observable is whitelisted if it is exactly the whitelisted value. Use * at start and end of the item as a wildcard.

Other flask or sqlachemy specific options can be found in the corresponding documentation and can be set in this file as well.


docker-compose up --build


Using git

If you are using git you can just create a project pointing to the git repository and then trigger runs using the git commit hash. Buildwatch will check out the commit and watch for its behavior. You should use the file in the root directory of your repo to define the process you want to have watched. Using buildwatch's REST API you can create the run and ask for its result.

Using zips

If you are using another VCS or don't have a git repo for other reasons you can also provide zips containing a

create a project curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "test", "git_managed": false, "Cuckoo_analysis_per_run": 3, "old_runs_considered": 3}' localhost:8080/project

  "Cuckoo_analysis_per_run": 3,
  "git_managed": false,
  "git_url": null,
  "id": 1,
  "name": "test",
  "old_runs_considered": 3,
  "patternson_off": false

upload a file curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "" localhost:8080/run/uploadZip

execute the run using that file curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"project_id": "1", "user_set_identifier": "test", "zip_filename": ""}' localhost:8080/run

Additional setup before each analysis

If you need additional setup that needs to be run just before the analysis you may define this is a file. Buildwatch will execute the script before the analysis and will not record changes made this way.

Logging stdout

Add exec >> "program.log" 2>&1 && tail "program.log" as the first line in your script in order to log the output. Buildwatch will fetch the program.log into the storage folder with the Cuckoo reports. This will help debugging.


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