Generate HTML files to show the archived Google+ Posts.
These instructions will get you download your Google+ stream data and run the script locally to generate your data archive webpage.
这部分说明将会指引如何下载自己的 Google+ 时间线发帖数据,并使用本脚本来生成展示全部发帖数据的单一网页文件。
- Follow instructions on Google+ Help to download your data. Make sure to include Google+ Stream Posts data as HTML format.
- 根据 Google 账号帮助的说明下载您的数据,请确保下载的数据中包含 Google+ 信息流中的信息数据,并以HTML格式下载。
- Unzip the takeout file and keep the path to Google+ Stream/Posts folder.
- 解压缩下载下来的文件,并记录 Google+ Stream/Posts 的文件夹路径。
You can find Windows executable binaries in Release, and skip to Running part.
您可以找到适用于 Windows 的可执行文件,请见 Release。您可以跳过下面所有设置步骤,直接运行。
- Python 3.x
- BeautifulSoup - The web parser
Get the script and run. Or run the binary in Release if using Windows.
获取 脚本并运行,运行中需要输入信息流中信息数据的文件夹路径。Windows 用户也可以使用 Release 中的可执行文件。
Enter the path of exported Google+ Stream data post folder (Takeout/Google+ Stream/Posts):~/path/to/Takeout/Google+ Stream/Posts
How many posts you want to show on one page? Enter -1 if unlimited: -1
The generated HTML file is saved as ~/path/to/Takeout/Google+ Stream/Posts/archive.html
Upload the file with all image filed under posts folder to serve it online
The generated files are archive.html and archive-n.html. Please upload them all with all image files in Posts folder to serve it online.
生成的文件是 archive.html 和 archive-n.html,如果想要网络访问,请将所有archive开头的html文件和图像文件放在同一目录下。
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details
- The release for Windows is created with PyInstaller